Wrap small appliances in newspaper, kitchen towels or linen. Tape the bottom of a medium box securely and put down layers of newspaper for padding. You can pack several small appliances to a box. For large appliances, make sure you check your owner's manual for any special instructions before you start to pack. Make sure the inside and outside of all appliances are clean. You can stuff the inside of some appliances, such as washing machines and dryers, with towels or linens. Tape down any parts that could come loose - the burners on your stove, the electrical cords, etc. Wrap the appliance with furniture pads and tie securely.
Wrap each piece in bubble wrap. Pad the bottom of a large box with crumpled newspaper or Styrofoam peanuts. Give the items plenty of space, and make sure you add lots of packing material on the sides, between items and on top. Remember to label the box "fragile."
Use only small boxes for books - they get very heavy, very fast. You can use small paperbacks to fill the sides of the box if there is extra space.
This is where wardrobe boxes come in handy. You can move clothing on hangers straight from your closet to the wardrobe boxes. Clothing in drawers should be packed in suitcases or boxes.
Ideally, you should pack electronic equipment such as stereos, TVs and computers in their original boxes with their original packing material. If this is unavailable, wrap the equipment in plastic bags. Put each piece of equipment in a box filled with Styrofoam peanuts, and put this box in a larger box, also filled with Styrofoam peanuts. (This double-boxing will help prevent sharp objects from penetrating all the way through to your fragile equipment.)
If you can take your furniture apart in any way to make it easier to move, make sure you put all nuts, bolts and screws in a small zip-lock bag and tape the bag to the furniture. Tape drawers shut where necessary. Wrap exposed legs (on tables and chairs) in bubble wrap or newspaper. Wrap in furniture padding and tie securely.
Wrap breakable items in bubble wrap or newspaper. Put layers of bubble wrap between each plates or bowl. Fill the top bowl with crumpled newspaper or styrofoam peanuts. Place the items in a box filled with crumpled newspaper or styrofoam peanuts. Make sure you put the heavier items on the bottom of the box. Wrap nonbreakable items in newspaper and pack in a box filled with styrofoam peanuts or crumpled newspaper.
Tape an X of masking tape across mirrors and paintings framed with glass. Wrap each item in bubble wrap. Cut a box to fit each item exactly. Make sure you label everything fragile.